Panji A.
UI Designer
Figma, Photoshop
I was introduced to this project a month before it launched. An influencers of horror content decided to make an exclusive apps where they can share their exclusive content in it, i was assigned to make an apps
These research goals are :
Low-Fidelity Design
Here a Low-Fidelity Design that i need to make for the app itself. We will going into short explanation of each part on the next pages:

Banner apps function as a place to give you the latest info regarding the apps, event, and crew updates. Shortvids is a shorter videos type of content, that usually run less than 2 mins

Plus is a subscribed based menu. Where users can support creator by monthly or yearly based, in exchange of exclusive content that only release on the app. currently the subscribed system is using Playstore, we have plan to developed custom way for user to able to subscribe.
Sosokpedia will going to be a hub of information of mystical/ghost related thing. It also going to included the story for each creation.

Plus is a subscribed based menu. Where users can support creator by monthly or yearly based, in exchange of exclusive content that only release on the app. currently the subscribed system is using Playstore, we have plan to developed custom way for user to able to subscribe.